
Privacy Statement .

BreedAssist is committed to protect the privacy and accuracy of confidential information to the extent possible, subject to provisions of state and federal law. Other than as required by laws that guarantee public access to certain types of information, or in response to subpoenas or other legal instruments that authorise access, personal information is not shared. In particular, we do not re-distribute or sell personal information collected on our web servers.

Information collected:

BreedAssist servers collect the following analytics for security reasons and for improving your business user experience with your pet owners and their patient pets.

  • Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer being used 
  • Your vet clinic details
  • Your clinic services
  • Web forms

BreedAssist does not associate this data to individual user identities.

BreedAssist site may use "cookies" in order to deliver web content specific to individual users' interests or to keep track of online subscriptions and user behaviour for continuous improvements.
Sensitive personal information is not stored within cookies.

Breed Assist uses webforms forms on this site. These forms require users to give contact information. Contact information from the pet owner registration form is used only by you to register & follow up & send material relating to your business by your means only. This information and any other information provided and/or gathered is not shared and/or not sold to another party.

Use of collected information:

  • Breed Assist will only use personal information collected from this site for the purpose of communication back and to pet owners individuals by yourself solely and via your account.
  • Breed Assist uses browser-IP-address information and anonymous-browser history to report information about site accesses and for profiling purposes. This information is used to improve Web presentation and utilisation. IP address information may also be used for troubleshooting purposes and security purposes.

Distribution of collected information:

  • Breed Assist will not disclose personal information collected about you, except for certain explicit circumstances in which disclosure is required by law.
  • Breed Assist will not distribute or sell personal information to third-party organisations.

Privacy Statement Revisions:

This Privacy Statement was last revised on 19 september 2022. We may change this Privacy Statement at any time and for any reason. We encourage you to review this Privacy Statement each time you visit the web site.

If we make a significant change to our Privacy Statement, we will post a notice on the homepage of our web site for a period of time after the change is made. 

How to contact us


Our offices

Europe & Americas & Oceania  - Germany/Munich
Asia & Middle East - UAE/Dubai
Africa - Egypt/Cairo